Friday, January 7, 2011

Mordac's makeover

It should be extremely rare, if not impossible, to find someone who doesn’t find it a major pain to put up with the zillion odd rules that IT comes up with in the name of security. The passwords with special characters and sounds and what not, the firewalls that make sure that you can google for what you want but not open any of the search results, etc, etc. Are usability and security in perpetual conflict with one another? As someone from the IT side of things, I would like to think ‘no’. Such challenges at the best are great opportunities to innovate.

Why this talk all of a sudden? Not that I need a reason, but there is one this time. As I was looking at random Dilbert strips from the past to enliven a cold and gloomy afternoon, the image of Mordac (You’re right- Mordac, the preventer of information services) struck me. He looked very different  and it took some time to recognize. I had to go through a lot of other strips, to trace his evolution and see the makeover that he has undergone over the years.  Totally worth every second of it :). For some reason, i believe its not unintentional and the smart guy he is, Scott Adams must have had his own rationale - Something to do with the image of IT or the changes in technology and policies through the years? Here it is for you to see and decide.

Mordac in 2001: Old guy, too busy to care

Mordac in 2006: Angry middle-aged sadist

Mordac in 2010: Slick, youthful, evil!

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